Configuring TP-Link Gateway for BLE Tracking Software

The TP-Link Omada gateway allows for the configuration and management of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) streams, which are essential for tracking and IoT data collection. The following instructions guide you through setting up your TP-Link gateway to work with your BLE tracking software.

Accessing the Bluetooth Configuration Menu
  1. Login to Omada Controller:

    Open your web browser and navigate to the Omada controller's IP address. Enter your credentials to log in.

  2. Navigate to the Bluetooth Configuration:

    In the left-hand sidebar, find and click on the Wireless Networks section. Within the Wireless Networks menu, select Bluetooth.

    Bluetooth Configuration
Setting Up IoT Transport Streams
  1. Creating a New IoT Transport Stream:

    Click on the Create New Entry button to add a new transport stream for your BLE tracking software. Fill in the details such as the stream name, server type, and other relevant configurations.

  2. Configuring Stream Details:

    • Name: Enter a recognizable name for your stream, like "EazyTrax."
    • Server Type: Select the type of server (e.g., HTTP) that will receive the BLE data.
    • Status: Ensure that the stream status is toggled on (indicated by the blue switch) to start transmitting data.

  3. Setting Aging Time:

    The Aging Time setting determines how long BLE data is retained before it is purged. This can be set based on your tracking requirements. The default is 180 seconds, but you can adjust this according to your needs.

  4. Apply Configuration:

    After entering the necessary details, click Apply to save and activate the configuration.

  5. Managing IoT Transport Streams:

    You can edit or delete existing streams using the icons in the ACTION column next to each stream. To edit, click the pencil icon; to delete, click the trash icon.

IoT Transport Stream Configuration for TP-Link Gateway

The IoT Transport Stream settings allow you to configure how BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) data is transmitted from your TP-Link Omada gateway to your server. This section provides detailed guidance on setting up and customizing the IoT Transport Stream settings to ensure proper data transmission for your BLE tracking software.

Accessing the IoT Transport Stream Settings

Navigate to the IoT Transport Stream settings by going to the Wireless Networks section in the Omada controller interface. Then, select Bluetooth from the submenu. Under the IoT Transport Streams tab, click on an existing stream (e.g., "EazyTrax") or create a new entry.

Editing an IoT Transport Stream
  1. Stream Name:

    Enter a meaningful name for the stream, such as "EazyTrax", to easily identify it in the list of IoT streams.

  2. Server URL:

    Input the URL of the server where the BLE data will be sent. This URL should be configured to handle incoming BLE data.

  3. Server Type:

    Choose the server type for the data transmission. In most cases, HTTP is used for sending data to a web server.

  4. Status:

    Toggle the Status switch to enable or disable the data stream. Make sure it is set to on (indicated by a blue switch) for the stream to be active.

  5. Device Class:

    Select the types of BLE devices that this stream will handle. You can choose from options like Minew, iBeacon, and Eddystone depending on the types of beacons in use.
    You can select multiple device classes if your setup includes different types of beacons.

  6. Reporting Interval:

    Set the reporting interval to determine how often the gateway should send BLE data to the server. The interval can be set between 1 to 3600 seconds. For example, a value of 15 seconds means the data will be reported every 15 seconds.

  7. Report Device Counts Only:

    Enable this option if you only want to report the number of devices detected, rather than detailed telemetry data.

  8. BLE Periodic Telemetry:

    Enable this setting to allow the gateway to send periodic telemetry data from the BLE devices.

  9. BLE Data Forwarding:

    If your setup requires forwarding BLE data to another destination, enable this option.

  10. Authentication:

    • Use Token: Select this option to use an access token for authenticating the data stream.
    • Access Token: Enter the access token that will be used for authentication. Example: eazytrax
    • Client ID: Input the client ID associated with your tracking software. Example: eazytrax

  11. RSSI Reporting Format:

    Choose the format in which RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) data should be reported. Options include Smooth, which averages out RSSI values to provide more stable readings.

  12. Filters:

    Apply filters to control which specific BLE data elements are included in the reports. Options include:

    • Company Identifier
    • Vendor
    • Local Name
    • Service UUID
    • MAC OUI
    • iBeacon UUID
    • UID
    • URL
    Selecting filters will limit the reported data to the selected fields.

  13. Saving the Configuration:

    After configuring all the settings, ensure that you click on Save or Apply to make sure the changes take effect.

IoT Transport Stream
Bluetooth Advertising Profile Configuration for TP-Link Gateway

This guide walks you through the configuration of each item within a Bluetooth Advertising profile in the TP-Link Omada gateway. Proper configuration ensures your BLE beacons are broadcasting effectively and are easily identifiable by your BLE tracking software.

Creating and Configuring a New Bluetooth Advertising Profile
  1. Navigate to Bluetooth Advertising:

    Go to the Wireless Networks section in the Omada controller interface, select Bluetooth, and click on the Bluetooth Advertising tab. To create a new profile, click on the Create New Profile button.

  2. Profile Name:

    Enter a descriptive name for the advertising profile. Example: WarehouseBeacon1.

  3. Status:

    Check the Enable box to activate this advertising profile.

  4. UUID Value in Advertising Packets:

    Enter the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) that will be broadcasted by this beacon. Example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000.

  5. Major Value in Advertising Packets:

    The Major Value is a 4-digit hexadecimal number used to group beacons within the same UUID. Example: 0001.

  6. Minor Value in Advertising Packets:

    The Minor Value is another 4-digit hexadecimal number that further distinguishes individual beacons within the same major group. Example: 0002.

Advanced Settings (Optional)

  1. Transmit Power:

    Set the Transmit Power for the beacon. Example: 0 dBm.

  2. RSSI Calibration:

    Enter the RSSI Calibration value, which is the expected RSSI at 1 meter from the beacon. Example: -65 dBm.

  3. Advertising Interval:

    Set the Advertising Interval (e.g., 500 ms) to determine how often the beacon broadcasts its signal.

Device List

  1. Add Devices:

    In the Device List section, add specific devices that will be associated with this advertising profile. Include details like Device Name, Model, MAC Address, and Status.

  2. Managing Devices:

    Use the Add button to include more devices, and manage existing devices using the actions provided in the table.

Finalizing the Configuration

  1. Create Profile:

    After configuring all the settings, click on the Create button to save and activate the new Bluetooth advertising profile. If you wish to cancel, click Cancel.

Bluetooth Advertising Configuration

How to Configure NTP in TP-Link Omada Controller

  1. Log in to the Omada Controller:
    • Access the Omada Controller web interface using your browser.
    • Log in with your admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to System Settings:
    • Once logged in, go to the "Settings" tab on the left-hand side menu.
    • Under the "Settings" menu, select "System".
  3. Set NTP Server:
    • In the "System" settings, scroll down to the "Time Settings" section.
    • You should see an option to configure the NTP Server.
    • Enter the NTP server address you wish to use, e.g., or
  4. Save the Configuration:
    • After entering the NTP server information, click "Save" to apply the changes.
  5. Verify the Configuration:
    • After saving, check if the time is synchronized correctly with the NTP server by viewing the current system time in the same section.